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e-Family Forum - Join

Follow the 4 simple steps below to join e-Family Forum. Your family membership includes a feature-rich, versatile shared Family Calendar with up to 2 photos per month, an unlimited number of Family Album pages with up to 2 photos on each page, and coming soon - a family bulletin board and family newsletter. You get all of this for only $2.99 USD per month!

Please note that this order form is protected by an SSL-encrypted connection.

(*Denotes Required Fields)

e-Family Forum - Join - Step 1 - How did you discover e-Family Forum?

*Please tell us how you discovered e-Family Forum. You must complete this section to proceed with your order.

An Individual Person. Please tell us their name and location. If you received printed information from this person, please enter the reference number below.
Name City Province/State
Store Display. Please tell us the name of the store and its location. If you received printed information from the store, please enter the reference number below.
Store Name City Province/State
Non-Profit Organization, Church, or Service Club. Please tell us the name and location of the organization. If you received printed information from the organization, please enter the reference number below.
Organization Name City Province/State
Another e-Family Forum. Please tell us the family name, family login, or editor's name:
E-Mail Offer. Please enter the reference number from the E-Mail offer below.
Internet Search Engine. Please tell us which one:
Other Source, or Don't Recall.

If you received e-Family Forum promotional material, enter the 5 digit reference number here:

Reference Number:

e-Family Forum - Join - Step 2 - Forum Setup

Complete the next section to begin personalizing your e-Family Forum. Note that all of the settings you define here can be modified or deleted after you complete your order using the Editor's Page.

General Forum Settings...
Your family login and password are used by all of your family members to access your e-Family Forum. You should select a login and password that's easy for your family to remember, but difficult for anyone else to guess.
*Family Login:
*Family Password:
The hint question and hint answer are used in case any member of your family forgets the family password.
*Family Password
Hint Question:
*Family Password
Hint Answer:
The family title you choose (e.g. Smith Family Forum) is a general page header used throughout your forum.
Family Title:
The calendar title you choose (e.g. Smith Family Calendar) is a general page header used on your Family Calendar pages.
Calendar Title:
Elements of your Family Calendar will be rendered in the language you select below. This setting will also be used when translated versions of the entire web site become available. English is used as the default language if you don't specify a language.
The following optional settings are used to accurately display astronomical events on your Family Calendar. If you leave these settings blank, the time zone is set to Universal Time and the location is set to London, England.
Time Zone:
Main Editor's Contact Information...
*First Name:
Middle Initial:
*Last Name:
Suffix (Jr., Sr., III):
*Postal Code/Zip:
Telephone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Fax Number:
*E-Mail Address:
Main Editor's Password...
This password is the main password used to access and edit all of the available settings for your e-Family Forum. It should be kept confidential, or not widely shared, as it allows access to the entire contents and structure of your forum. The hint question and answer are used in case you forget this password.
*Main Editor's Password:
*Main Editor's
Password Hint Question:
*Main Editor's
Password Hint Answer:
Calendar Editor's Password...
This optional password is used to add, change, or delete information from your Family Calendar only. As the main editor, you have the option of sharing this password, or keeping it confidential. Share this password with any or all of your family members to allow others to help set up and maintain your calendar. The hint question and answer are used in case you forget this password.
Calendar Editor's Password:
Calendar Editor's
Password Hint Question:
Calendar Editor's
Password Hint Answer:
Album Editor's Password...
This optional password is used to add, change, or delete information from your Family Album only. As the main editor, you have the option of sharing this password, or keeping it confidential. Share this password with any or all of your family members to allow others to help set up and maintain your Family Album pages. The hint question and answer are used in case you forget this password.
Album Editor's Password:
Album Editor's
Password Hint Question:
Album Editor's
Password Hint Answer:

e-Family Forum - Join - Step 3 - Payment Information

Billing Contact Information...

Check this box if the billing contact information is the same as the Main Editor above. Otherwise, fill out the following:

*First Name:
Middle Initial:
*Last Name:
Suffix (Jr., Sr., III):
*Postal Code/Zip:
Telephone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Fax Number:
*E-Mail Address:

Payment Amount...

Your initial e-Family Forum membership payment of only $35.88 USD gives you unlimited access to your forum for 1 year. If you order now, your membership will last from February 2025 until the end of January 2026.

Check this box if you wish to extend your membership until December, 2026 for only $2.99 USD per month. With this option, your order total will be $68.77 USD.

You can extend your subscription period at any time by clicking the "Renew" button on the left of any e-Family Forum page.

Form of Payment...

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or Check or Money Order.

Check this box if you're sending us a check or money order or if you do not wish to pay online with your credit card. Skip the rest of this section and proceed to step 4.

Note: If you're paying by credit card, make sure your full name and address you indicated above (under Main Editor's Contact Information or Billing Contact Information) matches the account information for the Credit Card you use for this transaction.

(**Denotes Required Fields)

**Credit Card Type:
**Account Number:
**Expiration Month:
**Expiration Year:
For your protection, enter your Credit Card Identification Code, or "Card Code." This is a three- or four-digit security code that is printed on the back of your credit card in reverse italics in the card's signature panel (or on the front for American Express cards).
**Card Code:

e-Family Forum - Join - Step 4 - Submit Your Order

Click the following button to send your order to e-Family Forum. Once your credit card is approved, or we receive your offline payment, you and your family will have instant access to your forum. If you have any questions or problems, here's how to contact us. Thanks for your business.

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